So this is me with my SLBF Peri in our SL home. I met Peri when I was just a few days old and we were good friends from the start. He helped me out a lot and made SL much less confusing. He became a good friend right from the start and we eventually became much more to each other and partnered on the 27th Jan '09. But don't expect an SL wedding...ever!!!!
Thats just not our thing.
Sometimes someone special comes into your life and although you may not see it at first, it none the less can turn your life around and you're never the same again.
Peri is the funniest person I've ever met and he's a real sweetie too, my love for him grows and grows, he is my everything...
I'm a lucky girl.
Yay fucking yay!!!
Geography is not kind to us, I'm in the UK and he is in Slovenia, but when we are together, the miles melt away.
Rada te imam, in želim biti s teboj do konca življenja. Zelo sem srečna s tabo, si zelo čudovita oseba. Moj zabaven, sladek, krasen fant.
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