Sunday, 28 June 2009

Spongeblog Selenepays

As some of you may be aware I am an newly single mother trying to get back on my feet at the end of a 12 year relationship. I claim state benefits which pay all my rent, council tax and bills as well as for my prescription charges, dentistry, eye care, shopping and also pays my university fees.
I have recently come under much critisism for not having a job, therefore being a sponger and also not spending all day with my son...don't see how I can achieve both but there we go (see blog entry How many times did you check my blog waiting for this post).
It struck me earlier that Selene, being a fine upstanding tax paying citizen of the UK, the country I am also from, is paying my benefits.
Thankyou so much Selene, without you I wouldn't be on SL nor would I have written this blog.
So next time you look at your pay cheque at feel your balls get smaller when you see how much the tax man has just taken off you, know that you just paid for my Internet, my electric, phone, food, make-up, my sons nappies, etc... and also your paying for my honours degree :)